GIS & RS Expert

About Me

I have more than four years of experience in the research and development sectors. My research interest includes the application of geospatial technologies from human and environmental perspectives.

To see my skillset click here


BS and MS in Geography

Dates: 2013 - 2019
Hosting University:
University of Dhaka, Bangladesh
Level in International Classification:
Bachelor's and a Master's
Institute: Geography and Environment

MSc in Geo-spatial Tecnnologies

Dates: 2019 - 2021
Name of Organisation: Erasmus Mundus
Hosting Universities:

Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Germany
Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal
Universitat Jaume I, Spain

My Skillset

Do you like my skills? Want to know more about me and my experience? Please check contact details. I would love to hear from you.


Enan, M.E. (2021). Deep Learning for Studying Urban Water Bodies' Spatio-temporal Transformation: A Study of Chittagong City, Bangladesh. Universitat Jaume I.

Ullah, M.S., Enan, M.E. (2019). "LANDUSE AND LAND COVER CHANGE IN DHAKA METROPOLITAN AREA DURING 1991-2022", Oriental Geographer. 60 (1&2), 1-18.

Hoque, Md. A., Ritu, S., and Enan, M.E. (2018). Open Geospatial Technology and Data Ecosystem in Bangladesh. Paper Presented at the FOSS4G- Asia, Held at Moratuwa, Sri Lanka from 2nd to 5th December.

Work Experience

  • Senior Program Officer - Training and Technology Transfer

    Main activities and responsibilities: Shrimp farmers' database development, Deployment of shrimp e-traceability system, SWOT Analysis of the fish products, Analyzing shrimp value chain and supply chain risk, Monitoring and reporting project's progress.

    2021-to Date

  • Technical Expert - Solidaridad Network Asia

    Main activities and responsibilities: Cutting edge geospatial research to explore land use and land cover (LuLc) change in coastal district , Helping head consultant to find out cause and effect relationship and writing report, coordinating the field team for developing 300 shrimp farming clusters, Mapping 300 shrimp clusters.


  • Junior Geospatial Expert- UNDP

    Main activities and responsibilities: Checking geospatial data collected from filed work, Assisting the data collection and data uploading training on open source GIS (OpenStreetMap), Integrating disaster and resilience attribute and generating the spatial data for CRA report.


  • GIS Analyst - Winrock International

    Main activities and responsibilities: Review field data (on soil, vegetation and other carbon pools), Assist forest carbon consultant, Mapping sample plots.


  • PhD Assistant- Macquarie Univerisity

    Main activities and responsibilities: Identifying sample stations, Mapping sample station and study area .


  • TA GIS & RS- Univeristy of Dhaka

    Main activities and responsibilities: Assist teacher to prepare lecture, Managing data, help student to understand theoretical and practical works of GIS and RS.


Contact Me

+880 1790911879

Dhaka, Bangladesh

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